Friday, July 30, 2010

The Latest

Where did July go? This summer has flown by. We are about 7 weeks away from meeting baby Ryleigh...that's correct, we finally decided on a name for baby #2...Ryleigh Elizabeth. Elizabeth is my great-grandmother's name and Ryleigh, well, we just liked the name. I was beginning to get a little stressed out about the name since it was all up to Brett to make the final decision this time.
Our house is still for sale. We've had several calls and shown it multiple times but still looking for a buyer. I'm thankful that we are not in a hurry to sell just seeing what will happen right now.
Hannah's first birthday was a blast. We had a party at Gattman Park/Splashpad. It was BLAZING HOT! Probably will never attempt an June outside party again but we survived.

She has become so independent since she began walking. She wants to do everything herself...brush her teeth, feed herself, etc. Don't get me wrong, I know this is going to be super helpful once Ryleigh arrives but she gets so mad when you try to do these things for her. She has a bit of a temper as well. She's been super irritable for the past month or so. She has 3 teeth (2 bottom, 1 upper) and is cutting 4 more according to Dr. Melvin. As for the temper, she tries to bite, pinch, hit us when we tell her "no" or try to redirect her. I'm hoping this is just a phase and we disciple her everytime but it doesn't seem to be getting any better right now. Needless to say she's a mess! She can be very sweet though. She's learned how to kiss, blow kisses, and "be sweet" (lay her head on my stomach, Buster, etc.).
Here are some more things she's learned recently (13 months):
-recognizes several words/phrases such as: go, outside, baby sister (kisses or pats my belly), bellybutton, nose, eyes, mouth, brush teeth, diaper, books, Barney, bath, lion (her favorite toy that she sleeps with)
-can say the following words: Dada, Momma, Bubba (Buster), ball, Nana (also for banana), Papa, Mimi, juice, no no, thank you, kitty, doggie, pappy (for paci)
-she claps, dances, points at everything, drinks from a straw, feeds herself with hands (no utensils yet), rocks her babies, Tomahawk chops (for the Braves), signs "more"
She LOVES books and would spend hours letting me read to her. It seems like she picks up on something new everyday...such a fun time!

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