Friday, February 4, 2011

Daily Schedule

We've been here a month now and I'll admit, this whole taking care of two children under 2 years old by myself  thing has been a struggle:) I had help when I was living with my Aunt and Uncle...two extra set of hands to be exact so the past four weeks has been a challenge, physically and mentally. I've been kinda down, feeling defeated like all I'm doing is surviving and not getting ahead with anything...housework, laundry, "me" time, etc. I realize that this is just a phase but knew I needed to make an effort to do better managing my time so I created a Daily Schedule. It is very rigid and I know that each day isn't going to go the way I planned but I'll have to admit I've already gotten more done today than I have all week...guess I just needed a framework for my day. See below:

Daily Schedule

6:00 am CC Wake Up/Shower

6:30 am REC Wake up/Nurse/Dressed

7:30 am HRC Wake up/Barney while CC prepares breakfast

8:00 am REC Naptime/CC and HRC Breakfast, CC make bed

8:30 am HRC Dressed, Teeth Brushed/Playtime; CC Clean up from Breakfast and begin Laundry

9:00 am CC and HRC Playtime in Playroom

9:30 am CC switch Laundry/other chores

10:00 am REC Wake up/Nurse

10:30 am Playtime with both girls

11:00 am CC and HRC Lunch

11:30 am HRC Playtime/Barney; CC clean up kitchen from lunch; continue Laundry

12:00 pm REC Naptime, begin HRC Naptime Routine (milk, book, etc.)

12:30 pm HRC Naptime/Mommy Free Time (computer, TV, Magazine, Pilates video, etc.)

1:30 pm Dinner Preparation, straighten house

2:00 pm REC Wake up/Nurse

2:30 pm REC/Mommy playtime

3:00 pm Finish Laundry other chores

3:30 pm HRC Wake up and Snack

4:00 pm REC Naptime/CC Prepare Dinner/HRC Playtime

4:30 pm Tidy up House

5:00 pm Chores/Dinner

5:30 pm Dinner

6:00 pm REC Wake up/Cereal/Bottle; CC Clean up from Dinner; HRC Playtime with Daddy

6:30 pm Playtime with Daddy

7:00 pm Begin Bedtime Routine for Girls (baths, story time, etc.)

7:30 pm Continue Bedtime Routine

8:00 pm HRC Bedtime/Nurse REC then Bedtime

8:30 pm Time with Brett

10:00 pm CC Bedtime Routine

10:30 pm CC Lights Out

Schedule Appointments and Run errands between 10:00 am and 12:30 pm

BE FLEXIBLE…this is an ideal schedule! It is not always going to happen exactly as planned.

I'm obviously in my "free time" right now and probably should be napping since I got up at 6am and have been going since but so far I feel a huge sense of accomplishment...the house is relatively picked up, a weeks worth of laundry is done, girls are napping so I don't feel so guilty about watching TV and playing on the computer. We'll see how it goes...even if I can implement this schedule a few days a week I'll be pleased. If only I got paid by the hour:) Wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you've found something that works for you! Sorry its been difficult for you the past month... Melissa warned us, it IS much harder with two! :) I've just recently gotten to where things are easier and I'm more comfortable with our daily routine. Sonia would be proud of your schedule. :)
