We've been here a month now and I'll admit, this whole taking care of two children under 2 years old by myself thing has been a struggle:) I had help when I was living with my Aunt and Uncle...two extra set of hands to be exact so the past four weeks has been a challenge, physically and mentally. I've been kinda down, feeling defeated like all I'm doing is surviving and not getting ahead with anything...housework, laundry, "me" time, etc. I realize that this is just a phase but knew I needed to make an effort to do better managing my time so I created a Daily Schedule. It is very rigid and I know that each day isn't going to go the way I planned but I'll have to admit I've already gotten more done today than I have all week...guess I just needed a framework for my day. See below:
Daily Schedule
6:00 am CC Wake Up/Shower
6:30 am REC Wake up/Nurse/Dressed
7:30 am HRC Wake up/Barney while CC prepares breakfast
8:00 am REC Naptime/CC and HRC Breakfast, CC make bed
8:30 am HRC Dressed, Teeth Brushed/Playtime; CC Clean up from Breakfast and begin Laundry
9:00 am CC and HRC Playtime in Playroom
9:30 am CC switch Laundry/other chores
10:00 am REC Wake up/Nurse
10:30 am Playtime with both girls
11:00 am CC and HRC Lunch
11:30 am HRC Playtime/Barney; CC clean up kitchen from lunch; continue Laundry
12:00 pm REC Naptime, begin HRC Naptime Routine (milk, book, etc.)
12:30 pm HRC Naptime/Mommy Free Time (computer, TV, Magazine, Pilates video, etc.)
1:30 pm Dinner Preparation, straighten house
2:00 pm REC Wake up/Nurse
2:30 pm REC/Mommy playtime
3:00 pm Finish Laundry other chores
3:30 pm HRC Wake up and Snack
4:00 pm REC Naptime/CC Prepare Dinner/HRC Playtime
4:30 pm Tidy up House
5:00 pm Chores/Dinner
5:30 pm Dinner
6:00 pm REC Wake up/Cereal/Bottle; CC Clean up from Dinner; HRC Playtime with Daddy
6:30 pm Playtime with Daddy
7:00 pm Begin Bedtime Routine for Girls (baths, story time, etc.)
7:30 pm Continue Bedtime Routine
8:00 pm HRC Bedtime/Nurse REC then Bedtime
8:30 pm Time with Brett
10:00 pm CC Bedtime Routine
10:30 pm CC Lights Out
Schedule Appointments and Run errands between 10:00 am and 12:30 pm
BE FLEXIBLE…this is an ideal schedule! It is not always going to happen exactly as planned.
I'm obviously in my "free time" right now and probably should be napping since I got up at 6am and have been going since but so far I feel a huge sense of accomplishment...the house is relatively picked up, a weeks worth of laundry is done, girls are napping so I don't feel so guilty about watching TV and playing on the computer. We'll see how it goes...even if I can implement this schedule a few days a week I'll be pleased. If only I got paid by the hour:) Wish me luck!
10 years ago
Glad you've found something that works for you! Sorry its been difficult for you the past month... Melissa warned us, it IS much harder with two! :) I've just recently gotten to where things are easier and I'm more comfortable with our daily routine. Sonia would be proud of your schedule. :)