Saturday, January 16, 2010

Don't Call it a Comeback...

Well, it has been 7 months since my last post. My fear when I created this blog was that I wouldn't keep it updated...guess I was right. I finally got a cute background and changed the layout around a bit so hopefully this will motivate me to update every now and again.
As you can imagine, there have been lots of changes around our house. Instead of going back and trying to remember the past 7 months I'm just going to pick up with what's going on with us now:
Hannah will be 7 months old on the 29th of January...blows my mind. She had her 6 month checkup with Dr. Melvin a few weeks ago. She was in the 50th percentile of both weight and height (16.4 lbs. and 26 in). YAY! Brett and I are both hoping she at least passes me in the stats department:)
She has been a great baby! She's been sleeping through the night since she was about 12 weeks old. She doesn't have any teeth yet but seems like she's been teething for 3 months now! She started sitting up about a month ago and is trying so hard to crawl. She's getting to be such a big girl with such a fun personality!
Back in August, Brett and I made the decision for me to stay at home with Hannah. I loved my job at UNA but the hours/workload wasn't the most family-friendly. I do miss the students and my coworkers terribly but nothing can compare to watching my sweet baby grow daily. I recently became certified to teach a few classes at the YMCA. I am in the process of getting trained so I can begin teaching solo. Hannah loves staying with the Child Watch Staff. In fact, they call her "Happy Hannah" because they say she's the best baby they keep. Makes me proud!
Brett's adjusting to fatherhood wonderfully! Those first few weeks were trying on both of us. Even with her being a good baby, we really didn't know what to expect and really no one can prepare you for that time. He's so great with her and she absolutely adores him!
I guess that's all for now except for a few recent pics of our sweet baby:

Opening her gifts from Santa

Playing with her favorite Christmas gift, Giggles.


  1. She is SO PRETTY!!!!!
    Babies do that pre-teething thing for such a long time before they actually teeth... it's tricky!

  2. I'm so glad your back (at least for now). It better not be another 7 months before you blog again... Seeing those pictures of Hannah at Christmas makes me miss her... I haven't seen her in a while and she already looks older! I'm going to have to get some QT in when I'm back home next month. Love ya'll!!

  3. hey girl!saw you had a blog from your fb comment!so fun! we do too...i try to update often as well....hannah is such a cutie! makes me sad how fast they grow up :( today mary etta is 6 months! it definitely flies more with each one b/c you are so busy with everyone! take care; hope all is well!
    Erica W.

  4. So happy you are back!!! Hannah is such a DOLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Miss you guys like crazy!
